Oficiálna brožúra

The tournament is open to all members of PGA associations and selected amateurs who have received or won a wild card. Organizer: PGA TOUR SLOVAKIA, s.r.o. , co-organizer PGA SK o.z.
Tournament director: Peter Petrovič
Main judge: Rasťo Michalák
Competition committee: Peter Petrovič, Pavol Bielik, Rasťo Michalák, Radomír Holečka
Entries: Entries for PRO players at ENTRY Conditions of participation: PRO: € 190 AM 190 € (Amateur player must be a wild card holder) The player must pay the FEE no later than 31.8. 2020
Restrictions on participation: the number of players per 18 holes is 120 players per tournament with a gradual start The set time per flute is max. 4 hours and 25 minutes. Arrivals after this time will be penalized – every 10 minutes. 1 penalty shot will be added. Delayed arrival at the start within 5 minutes = 2 penalty shots / -2 STB points more than 5 minutes = disqualification.
Boarding: lunch after the game – choice of two dishes Prices: PRIZE FOUND € 20000 – TEE: MEN – Black 6539 PAR 73 / WOMEN – YELOW 5720 PAR 73
GAME SYSTEM AND TECHNICAL PROVISIONS Categories PRO wounds gross Game: It is played according to the SKGA competition rules, golf rules and local rules. The player is obliged to follow the Dress Code before the start of the tournament and is intended for all members of the PGA ass. (T-shirt with a collar, long pants, shoes (violation of this rule is punishable by disqualification)).
Mobile phones ( only online score ), electronic measuring devices are prohibited. Start: gradual from 9:00 am. Start time see. The starting list on the SKGA website the day before the tournament after 5 pm. The change of the start time and the start method will always be announced on, and possibly the day before the tournament, on the start list. WEB INFO:,, Instagram – @slovakopen Facebook – @SlovakchampionshipOpen @pgaofslovakia,
Tournament evaluation: For the category, for the same number of shots, the Play – Off is played on the holes determined by the Competition Committee. In case of a tie, the wells are repeated. For players in the event of a PM winning, they sign the official winning document and must be present to announce the results of the tournament, otherwise the PM will be forfeited in favor of the tournament’s competition committee.
PM will be paid to the specified account in the application and the specified VAT / VAT. In case of any ambiguity, write to email: announcing the results within 10 minutes of handing in the last scorecard to the last player playing. Competition committee: Peter Petrovič, Rasťo Michalák, Pavol Bielik
September 15, 2020 was D-Day for Ondřej Lieser, a € 10,000 prize. The highest win in the short history of the Slovak Championship Open so far. In 2020, Penati Golf Resort became the Title Partner of the event, the total subsidy increased to € 20,000, the prize for the winner up to € 10,000 and the official name of the tournament is Penati Slovak Open.

It’s not all about the finances needed to prepare for and participate in the tournament. It’s about hard work and other happy side effects and hard work. If we remember the first year of the Slovak Open, Ondřej was in a nice divided 7th place for the results of the 74th, 71st total of 145 shots. The first year was played on the Heritage course. (2018 to 2021 are played at the Legend course, author’s note) Ondřej Lieser showed in his second year that he can play golf, remember? 69th and 71st shots together 140th shots and beautiful 2nd place. As history writes, no one will remember the other. Third year, 2019. Rory Sabbatini participates in the tournament. After a thrilling fight and a dramatic conclusion, the tournament finally wins. Who but Ondřej kept up with him? I would appreciate the level of his game with the word “fantastic”. Proof of this is the fact that in the first round on the fifteenth hole, which was played as a six-pair, Ondřej played a demonstration albatross when he got into the hole with the third stroke! ” Rory spoke after the game on Ondřej’s account.

Rory became the ambassador of the tournament, which is a great honor for the organizers. Ondřej Lieser played as his opponent 69th and 70th shots, a total of 139. 7 shots under a pair of pitch, again “unfortunate” second place.

Ondřej Lieser entered the tournament for the fourth time and as it turned out later, the decision to prefer the Penati Slovak Open to the Challenge Tour in Spain was the right one. After the first day of play, he played -2.71 shots. Not a bad result, but not enough for the final flight in the second round. Michal Pospíšil, Tomáš Beck and Štepán Daněk played in it with a lead of two shots (69 shots). A well-prepared course, summer weather, greens demanding the accuracy of passes and strong competition caused us to witness several turns.

Ondřej withdrew the shot on the first hole of the second round and the score was tied in the fifth. After playing the first devine, he continuously led the tournament. His score kept dropping and his hunger for berdies indicated that this time he would not miss the victory.

After two playing days at the Legend course in Penati Golf Resort, the winner of the Penati Slovak Open 2020 came for the prizes and traveling trophy. The highest prize of 10,000 euros was won by Ondřej Lieser from the Czech Republic, who finished second in 2019, Rorym Sabbatinim. He won the victory with 71 and 67 shots, a total of -8 / 138 shots. Winner Ondrej Lieser: “Thank you to my wife, the whole family. The best tournament in Czechoslovakia, the tournament was excellently organized, from the first to the last and again the organizers and promoters Pavol Bielik and Peter Petrovič added something more, which gives this event the hallmark of the most prestigious tournament. Well thank you.”