Tournament 2025

Tournament 2025


Welcome players The tournament is open to all members of PGA associations and selected amateurs who have received or won a wild card.  Organizer PGA TOUR SLOVAKIA, s.r.o. , co-organizer PGA SK o.z. Tournament director Peter Petrovič Head Referee Rasťo Michalák Competition committee  Peter Petrovič, Pavol Bielik, Rasťo Michalák, Radomír Holečka  


Entries Entries for PRO players at ENTRY Conditions of participation: PRO 280 € if paid before July 31st, 2025.However, if payment is not made till July 31st 2025, the fee will increase to 300€ AM 400 €  (Amateur player must be a wild...

Tournament 2024


Welcome players The tournament is open to all members of PGA associations and selected amateurs who have received or won a wild card.  Organizer PGA TOUR SLOVAKIA, s.r.o. , co-organizer PGA SK o.z. Tournament director Peter Petrovič Head Referee Rasťo Michalák Competition committee  Peter Petrovič, Pavol Bielik, Rasťo Michalák, Radomír Holečka  


Entries Entries for PRO players at ENTRY Conditions of participation: PRO 260 € if paid before July 31st, 2024. However, if payment is not made till July 31st 2024, the fee will increase to 280€ AM 350 €  (Amateur player must be a...

Tournament 2023


Welcome players The tournament is open to all members of PGA associations and selected amateurs who have received or won a wild card.  Organizer PGA TOUR SLOVAKIA, s.r.o. , co-organizer PGA SK o.z. Tournament director Peter Petrovič Head Referee Rasťo Michalák Competition committee  Peter Petrovič, Pavol Bielik, Rasťo Michalák, Radomír Holečka   Prihlasovanie na turnaj


Entries Entries for PRO players at ENTRY Conditions of participation: PRO 250 € if paid before July 31st, 2023. However, if payment is not made till July 31st 2023, the fee will increase to 265€ AM 300 €  (Amateur player must...

Tournament 2023 +

  Entries Entries for PRO players at ENTRY Conditions of participation: PRO 250 € if paid before July 31st, 2023. However, if payment is not made till July 31st 2023, the fee will increase to 265€ AM 300 €  (Amateur player must be a wild card holder) The player must pay the FEE no later than 9th September 2023 Restrictions on participation The number of players per 18 holes is 120 players per tournament with a gradual start The set time per flute is max. 4 hours and...

Tournament 2022

Practice Round:

Saturday: 14pm - 15pm Sunday: 14pm - 15pm

Players List - Last Update 6.9.


11.9. 2022 Program Penati Slovak Open Pro Am:  


START LIST PRO AM 11.9. 2022


8:30h Registrácia hráčov 9:30h Postupný štart z jamky č. 1 a č. 10: Play with Handicap Golfers = jamka č.3 * Hole in One = 5000€ Nadress jamka č. 8 Hole in One = zájazd do Škótska jamka č.12 Hole in One...

Tournament 2021

Players List - last update 10.9.

Arrival obligations for players:

Invitation letter

Permission of the Ministry of Education



12.9. 2021 Program Penati Slovak Open Pro Am:

START LIST PRO AM 12.9. 2021


8: 30h Registration of players 9: 30h Gradual start from hole no. 1 and no. 10: Play with Handicap Golfers = hole no.3 *Hole in One = 5000 € hole no.8Hole in One = trip to Scotland hole no.12Hole in One = Golf Geum...

Ondro Lieser wins Penati Slovak Open Championship 2020

Ondro Lieser víťazom Penati Slovak Open Championship 2020

Štvrtý ročník sa vydaril, nepochybne ! After two days of play, we met the winner of the Penati Slovak Open Championship 2020 at the Penati Golf Resort, on the Legend course. The highest win in the short history of the event so far, 10.000 Euros were won by Ondřej Lieser from the Czech Republic, who finished second last year, after a memorable play off with Rory Sabbatini. He won the victory...

The exciting conclusion of the Slovak Championship Open ’19. The trophy was taken by R. Sabbatini

A thing unprecedented in Slovakia: a large group of spectators moved behind the playing junk to look for the best view. After three years of existence, the Slovak Championship Open is becoming increasingly popular. This time, the participation of the Slovakian representative Rora Sabbatini has undoubtedly contributed to this. He also took the winning trophy from Penati. Slovak Championship Open winner Rory Sabbatini with his wife Martin. During two laps at the Legend course in the prestigious Slovak golf resort Penati near...

The Winner of Championship Open 2018 was Filip Mrůzek

Prestigious two days The Slovak Championship Open was played on September 10 and 11, 2018 at the golf resort Penati near Senica. The tournament was accompanied by excellent weather and played on well prepared course Legend. Prize money € 10,000 attracted 49 players from seven countries. The winner was Czech PRO player Filip Mrůzek with the result -10 shots under par field. For his balanced game - count individual rounds 69 and 70, 136 shots in total, received a reward of € 2,000. for he finished another Czech...