Filip Mrúzek won Penati Slovak Open 2021
Penati Slovak Open 2021 was won by Filip Mrúzek by four shots when he did not hesitate after the results of 64 and 67/31 shots. The best Slovak player was Peter Valášek, who after yesterday’s 73 shots played today 65 shots / -8, 138 shots and finished in the third place together with Michal Pospíšil 70, 68 shots. Stanislav Matuš finished second for the results of 70, 65/135 shots – 11 and Adam Puchmelter closed the TOP 5, which played 71 and 68 shots / 139 shots – 7. The Czech Republic and Slovakia took the first 5 places, which has not happened in the history of the tournament. Filip Mrúzek performed his art throughout the 36th hole, playing only one bogey and after 2018 he became the winner of the Penati Slovak Open for the second time. The check for the prize of 10,000 euros was handed over by Radomír Holečka, a representative of the titular partner of Penati Golf Resort, who donated the prize, and promoters and organizers Pavol Bielik and Peter Petrovič.